Introducing BAR Wellness

Hello to all of you visiting BAR Wellness.  Just a little more about me as I launch this website.

For those of you who know me from a different career—I’m trying to practice the idea that the “most interesting people are those that don’t know what they want to do when they grow up”. I hope you’ll agree that it’s true for me.

I’ve always been interested in cooking—I remember quizzing my junior high friends who were Italian-American about their mother’s lasagna recipe. And I have, in the past ten years, turned my own cooking to becoming more “plant centered”.  Around 2007, I discovered a book “Vegetables at the Center of the Plate” by Patricia Wells, and, while the book didn’t stay on my shelf long, the concept resonated with me.  I started to find farmer’s markets and began to cook with more vegetables and to cook seasonally.

I also started thinking about how the way we eat intersects with our health and started looking for nutrition programs; but was unsuccessful in finding anything that didn’t cause me to take English 101 again or learn the ins and outs of hospital dietary systems, or move away from Indy. I guess I was a bit ahead of my time.

Speed up to 2015 when a health scare of my own propelled me to look into the nutrition field again.  My health hit rock bottom. Abdominal cramps, nausea, exhaustion and weakness were daily symptoms. I really didn’t know what was physically happening to me or how to prevent it from happening again. My condition lasted for months, even though I had been eating in a healthy manner. The experience was scary and frustrating, and I felt defeated. The guidance I received was about taking a pill to prevent the symptoms; I didn't like that approach. I didn't want to start the pill parade. I finally got better when I humbly asked a friend who was a nutrition coach to help me. And with her help I began to name the problem and start to heal.

Her guidance inspired me to dig deeper into functional nutrition--the idea that we can feel better through a focus on food.  I was inspired by what I was learning and started taking classes in nutrition therapy and culinary nutrition.  With some letters (CNE, CNTP) behind me and having helped clients through my work with a local naturopath, I’m ready to launch my own business, BAR Wellness.  My practice will be geared toward busy people whose energy has hit rock bottom.  We work on the pillars of diet, lifestyle and stress to get you back to peak performance at work and life.

For those of you who are entrepreneurs—I salute you!  Starting off with a name and an idea is scary.  But that’s my promise to myself for 2020—to start.  And this will end up being my first official blog post. 

Thanks for reading this and for the support you have already shown me as I’ve launched into this new endeavor. 


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